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- Pop Piano Video Instruction Series
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- Pop Piano Video "Diatonic Chords and Triad Voicings" Bundle: Chapters Three, Four and Five
Pop Piano Video "Diatonic Chords and Triad Voicings" Bundle: Chapters Three, Four and Five
Click here to see trailer videos for Chapters One, Two, Three, Four and Five of our Pop Piano Video Instruction Series.
Get the best possible continuation of your Pop Piano Book studies with our value-priced “Diatonic Chords and Triad Voicings” Bundle, containing the complete video lessons for Chapter Three (Diatonic Triads and Four-Part Chords), Chapter Four (Triad Inversions and Voiceleading) and Chapter Five (Creating & Using Triad-Over-Root Chords). You’ll get over 150 minutes of step-by-step video instruction, with Mark Harrison explaining and demonstrating the concepts, and improvising musical styles examples along the way.
The Chapter Three video covers the following topics in depth:
- major scale “contours” (the secret to playing in all keys!)
- diatonic triads
- diatonic four-part chords
The Chapter Four video covers the following topics in depth:
- major and minor triad inversions
- inverting triads below melody or ‘top notes’
- voiceleading triads around the circle-of-5ths and circle-of-4ths
The Chapter Five video covers the following topics in depth:
- all commonly-used major and minor triad-over-root chord voicings
- using these voicings to interpret chord symbols and progressions
- applying these voicings in different rhythmic styles
In addition to Mark's explanation and playing examples, the videos show the page and figure numbers being referenced in the Pop Piano Book, as well as text captions for further explanation.
To get the best out of these video lessons, we recommend that you have our Pop Piano Book while viewing!