Stuff! Good Piano Players Should Know Book & CD
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This book is an "A to Z" guide of techniques and tips for the beginning-to-intermediate piano player. Unlike many other "A to Z"-type instruction books out there which are not very useful or substantial, this book is packed with authentic music examples in many different styles (all with voicing derivations and explanation), as well as lots of great tips on music theory, piano techniques, practicing, equipment and more. Here are just some of the alphabetic techniques and tips presented in this book:
Styles: Ballads, Blues, Boogie-Woogie, Country, Funk, Gospel, Jazz, New Age, Pop/Rock, Rock'n'Roll.
Piano Techniques: Add9 chords, Arpeggios, Bass Lines, Comping, Crossover Licks, Grace Notes, Interpreting Chord Progressions, Left-Hand Patterns, Memorizing Songs, Neighbor Tones, Open Triads, Soloing, Voicings.
Music Theory: Blues Scale, Chord Symbols and Inversions, Diatonic Chords, Intervals, Keys, Key Signatures, Major and Minor Scales, Modes, Notes and Rests, Octaves. Pentatonic Scales, Seventh Chords, Suspended Chords, Triads.
Equipment and Technology: Digital Audio Workstation, Midi, Personal Digital Studio, Sequencer, Used Equipment, Workstation Keyboard.
...and many more!
The CD is full of authentic style examples, most featuring a full band so that you can play along!
Click on the sample pages below the front cover, then hover over each page to zoom in:
- Contents (first page)
- page 7: 'Alternating 8ths' comping
- page 33: Using Dorian mode in jazz
- page 84: Boogie-Woogie with octaves
- page 89: Gospel with pentatonic scales
See below for audio examples from these sample pages.
Styles: Ballads, Blues, Boogie-Woogie, Country, Funk, Gospel, Jazz, New Age, Pop/Rock, Rock'n'Roll.
Piano Techniques: Add9 chords, Arpeggios, Bass Lines, Comping, Crossover Licks, Grace Notes, Interpreting Chord Progressions, Left-Hand Patterns, Memorizing Songs, Neighbor Tones, Open Triads, Soloing, Voicings.
Music Theory: Blues Scale, Chord Symbols and Inversions, Diatonic Chords, Intervals, Keys, Key Signatures, Major and Minor Scales, Modes, Notes and Rests, Octaves. Pentatonic Scales, Seventh Chords, Suspended Chords, Triads.
Equipment and Technology: Digital Audio Workstation, Midi, Personal Digital Studio, Sequencer, Used Equipment, Workstation Keyboard.
...and many more!
The CD is full of authentic style examples, most featuring a full band so that you can play along!
Click on the sample pages below the front cover, then hover over each page to zoom in:
- Contents (first page)
- page 7: 'Alternating 8ths' comping
- page 33: Using Dorian mode in jazz
- page 84: Boogie-Woogie with octaves
- page 89: Gospel with pentatonic scales
See below for audio examples from these sample pages.